Wednesday, October 21, 2009


It's been such a long time since I've posted anything to this blog. Just been looking back on here and reminising about the Japan times and after. What a crazy time!

Also it's been interesting looking at everyone else's blogs. I remember part of my daily ritual in Japan was sitting down in the teacher's room and clicking on everyone else's blogs who were out in Toyama. It was a great way to hear what people had been up to, find out what experiences they were having that week that were maybe similar, or extremely different to what I'd been up to! But no one seems to be blogging anymore! Everyone used to write pages and pages of the stuff. I lapped it up!

Shame in a way. Blogs are good because you actually write down thoughts and think about them before you stick them down. Facebook and Twitter and all the other social networking sites seem so lazy. You write something that you are feeling that second, send it out into cyberspace and then move on. We've all got the attention span of a gnat!

So am I going to keep this blog going? I don't know. I don't know who reads it. But does it really matter who reads it? Probably not.