It's been a while

Also packing up ready to leave. Still waiting to hear back from the town hall to confirm my ticket home. They seem to be leaving it a bit late. It would have made far more sense to have bought a ticket a long time ago when they were cheaper rather than waiting until the last minute. But there you go!
It's also been a time for some early goodbyes. Believe it or not the week before last was my last visit to one of my Elementary Schools - Gokasho. It's a really cool school. Completely made of

One class I was particularly sad to say 'see you' to was the 6th graders. A genki bunch of kids. The teacher is cool, the kids are amazing and I feel like I really am giving them an interesting and informative lesson over and above teaching them the usual: colours, self-introductions, animals, fruits etc. I have always really looked forward to this class. So it was fitting that it was the last class that I taught at this school. Cue violins.
adorable photo!! they're gonna miss you!
sniff sniff
are you saying good-bye to the blog too? or will you keep it up on your post-nihon travels/advenures?
This blog will probably finish. Boo hoo. But will probably keep something when I get back to England.
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