Thursday, June 29, 2006

It's been a while

I have been really crap at keeping this blog recently! I can't give the excuse of being really busy because I haven't been. Although this week it has been quite mad, burning Bento Boys Cd's and printing out the album cover (which has proved to be an extremely arduous task), but at least it is something to do as the kids are sweating out their exams.

Also packing up ready to leave. Still waiting to hear back from the town hall to confirm my ticket home. They seem to be leaving it a bit late. It would have made far more sense to have bought a ticket a long time ago when they were cheaper rather than waiting until the last minute. But there you go!

It's also been a time for some early goodbyes. Believe it or not the week before last was my last visit to one of my Elementary Schools - Gokasho. It's a really cool school. Completely made of wood, very old and falling down. It's also the smallest which means I got to know the kids there relatively well. I've found that the bigger elementary schools it's so difficult to remember even the kids faces (learning all the names is an absolute impossibility).

One class I was particularly sad to say 'see you' to was the 6th graders. A genki bunch of kids. The teacher is cool, the kids are amazing and I feel like I really am giving them an interesting and informative lesson over and above teaching them the usual: colours, self-introductions, animals, fruits etc. I have always really looked forward to this class. So it was fitting that it was the last class that I taught at this school. Cue violins.


Blogger Kirsten said...

adorable photo!! they're gonna miss you!

sniff sniff

are you saying good-bye to the blog too? or will you keep it up on your post-nihon travels/advenures?

7:59 AM  
Blogger Boysters said...

This blog will probably finish. Boo hoo. But will probably keep something when I get back to England.

8:55 AM  

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