I read the news today...oh boy!

Last week I had another interview with Mirare (the local cable channel) and last night with the big one -NHK!!!! They came to film me hitting a taiko drum (and to do an interview). Incidently, this means that not only the local folk in my area will see my ugly mug, but the whole of Toyama. Hee hee! So the strange looks and stares I get when I go to the supermarket are only going to increase!
Now the thing is I don't mind talking/performing in front of a camera (at school and University I loved performing in plays and in rock bands); but there is something very different about having a camera shoved right in your face whilst are trying to look serious/normal in any way!!! In fact it's very difficult to film anyone going about their day normally.
But most people in Japan seem very good at this. I have no idea why. In fact most of the kids at taiko last night seemed quite unfazed by the camera crew. I have spoken to some teachers at school and they can offer no explanation. It must be that most are used to these sorts of thing from a young age. For example, everyday at Junior High school a different student will stand up in front of the whole school and make an announcement - something that would have given me nightmares as a kid!
So, last night the NHK camera crew came to taiko practice to film me banging on a drum. The cameraman captured me playing from all angles - from above, the side as well as the appealing worm-eyes view! What didn't help was that each time the camera 'clicked on' my 'gaijin-in-crime' John made my laugh by pulling stupid faces off camera. So God only knows what it's going to look like. Hopefuly when they come to film me teaching (!!!!) at Elementary school this Thursday I'll be a little more used to it!
The NHK interview will be shown next Thursday 13th October @ 6.10pm. The cable interview will be on every (!!!!) day starting from this Friday 7th October and will run for a week. Maybe Newsnight or Parkinson might be interested!
Note to self: I would make a terrible celebrity!
That's great! Can't wait to see it. (And tape it!)
Incidently, I was also on TV last year. I had an interview with "Konnichiwa, Oshima!", during which I made an ass of myself and Canada. Good times!
Ooh, get you Mister La-Di-Dah TV Sleb. Bah, I'm just jealous. The nearest I'll get to being on Wakayama TV is when I put my plan into action of standing in front of the Evening News' live camera shot of JR Wakayama Station holding a luminous 'Golf Sale' sign. They shall know my name, oh yes...
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