From wretched to refinement in one weekend...
There are two great things about Japan:
1. There are so many National Holidays. I have no idea what this week's one was commemorating, but I do know is that they are not to be wasted.
2. Outside of holiday season, no one goes on holiday! Not even for a little camping trip.

With these points in mind, a camping trip during a three-day weekend, and after the end of the holiday season, ensures success! So we headed up Saturday morning to a nice little campsite (completely empty) deep in the Japan Alps, and possible bear territory; and then headed back dirty and smelly on Monday.
The points inbetween? Not really much to tell. There is of course drinking, sleeping, eating, cooking, talking and some hiking. The hiking was the hardest bit - mostly up hill and unfortunately no specific end point, so we ended up turning back having not reached a peak of any kind. A bit disappointing, but the exercise was appreciated.

So returning from the mountain tired and smelly, we headed to a nice little onsen past Unazuki Onsen town, with a lovely view looking down the gorge. This was pretty important, since a few hours later John, Kirsten and I would find ourselves kneeling at a tea ceremony, fully suited and booted and a world away from the stinking campfire.
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