Time is ticking by...
Yes it is!!! My god time is going fast! Having done one year in Japan, I have found that this second year is already flying by at alarming rate. Having a quick look back at past entries in this blog has made my realise how quickly everything has happened since this second year stint in Japan started at the beginning of August.
Currently stressing about my Japanese test! Have been extremely chilled about it until recently; but since last night that has all changed since the realisation of the greatness of the task ahead and the shortness of time dawned on me.

So as a result, like this hibernating door mouse (kindly see picture opposite) I have decided to shun the outside world and only be seen out in day or moonlight on extremely rare occasions (tomorrow's thanksgiving dinner being one) or when disturbed by passing ramblers.
Unlike this door mouse, however, my aim will be to keep my eyes open for some of the time.
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