Another week goes by...
Another week has flown by. Have absolutely no idea where the time goes at all!
So here's a list of things that I've been up to the last week or so:
1. Working on the new Bento Brothers track. As soon as it is ready for release it will no doubt be posted on this blog for your listening pleasure. The Bento Brothers are being particularly secretive about this one and have refused to comment on it at all, other than mention that it does 'rock the jams'.
2. 'Robot fest'. The lunatics took over the asylum down near Toyama airport as all sorts of robots (and not so-robots) were packed into a big hall.
Incidently, a good game to play is 'real or robot' - an enthralling game where contestants have to decide if the object in front of them is a real person or a robot. This game proves particularly difficult when driving along the expressway and deciding whether the 'wavey-hand men' are real or robot. Please try it- it really passes the time on long car journeys. (Sunday)

4. Elementary school concert: My elementary school had a concert to thank all the people who came and worked there (including your humble blog-writer). I had absolutely no idea until I found myself in a room of suited Japanese being briefed on what was coming up, and then walking into a hall full of people applauding. I was the only one not wearing a suit, having decided that morning to go casual - black and rather tatty leather jacket and all! Whoops! But all went well despite said cock-up! (Saturday)

6. Noticing how quickly the weather is changing...winter approaching!

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